सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को आर्थिक सहयोग करे


Kejriwal Government imposed Ban on chhat pooja of Hindus in delhi, While Eid Was Celebrated

Kejriwal government has banned chhat pooja celebration at public places in dehi. The order issued by Delhi goverment clearly stated that no celebrations at public grounds, River banks, temples are allowed.

Iti Agarwal
  • Sep 30 2021 5:22PM

Arvind Kejriwal's government has imposed ban on Chhat pooja celebration in Delhi today. Chhat pooja is an important festival of Hindus. It is celebrated with a great rituals in Delhi. Citing the reasons for corona there has been a ban on celebrating chhat pooja at public places. Now the question emerge is that permission was given to celebrate Eid, so, why this one-sided attitude regarding chhat Pooja in the festival of Hindus itself? Markets are completely open in Delhi, schools are open in Delhi from class 9th, but when it comes to the faith of Hindus this one-sided attitude definitely arises questions. If it continues then it will definitely effect Hindu culture.

Delhi government has banned the celebration of chhat pooja in public places. The order issued by Delhi government clearly stated that chhat pooja cannot be celebrated in any public places, bank of rivers, public grounds, temples etc. For this Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has issued a notice. They have imposed a ban to prevent the spread of corona.

DDMA said, chhat pooja celebration cannot be celebrated in public places but if anyone wants to celebrate it privately at their own personal place, then they can. But during this time all the necessary measures should be taken to prevent corona including social distancing. The Delhi government has directed all the concerned agencies including district magistrates, deputy commissioners of police to ensure that chhat pooja is not held in any temples, public places river banks, etc. 

सहयोग करें

हम देशहित के मुद्दों को आप लोगों के सामने मजबूती से रखते हैं। जिसके कारण विरोधी और देश द्रोही ताकत हमें और हमारे संस्थान को आर्थिक हानी पहुँचाने में लगे रहते हैं। देश विरोधी ताकतों से लड़ने के लिए हमारे हाथ को मजबूत करें। ज्यादा से ज्यादा आर्थिक सहयोग करें।

ताज़ा खबरों की अपडेट अपने मोबाइल पर पाने के लिए डाउनलोड करे सुदर्शन न्यूज़ का मोबाइल एप्प


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