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Aryan Khan Drugs case: He read books related to Ram and Sita for spending his time in jail

Aryan Khan has been reading a book on Ram and Sita from the last two days. Khan has also read a book called The Lion's Gate, earlier.

Iti Agarwal
  • Oct 24 2021 6:01PM

King Khan's son Aryan Khan who is currently in the Arthur Road jail is reading books to spend his time. As per the reports, he  issued two books from the jail library. Aryan Khan has been reading a book on Ram and Sita from the last two days. Khan has also read a book called The Lion's Gate, earlier.

Sources from the prison said, “Aryan demanded books from the jail officers. Accordingly, the authorities helped him to borrow a book from the jail library, which was a religious one. The jail library has hundreds of books bought by prison authorities as well as those brought in by inmates and left in the library after they are released,”

The authorities also revealed that sometimes inmates are also allowed to get books from relatives. In such cases, we only allow books related to religious matters, on condition of anonymity, added the officer.

As per the court orders, Aryan has been allowed to speak with his parents through a video call, in the last 15 days. Shah Rukh Khan met Aryan Khan on Thursday in the ‘Mulaqat’ room. As they were separated by a glass wall, they spoke through an intercom.


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