सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को आर्थिक सहयोग करे


Indian Naval Ship Tarkash Rescues Iranian Vessel, Ensuring Maritime Safety

Responding swiftly to a distress call, the warship’s crew repaired the dhow’s faulty Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, restoring access to fresh drinking water.

Bhumi Ambawat
  • Mar 10 2025 5:48PM

The Indian Navy once again demonstrated its commitment to maritime safety when INS Tarkash swiftly responded to a distress call from an Iranian dhow near the Somali coast.
The fishing boat’s Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, essential for producing drinking water, had malfunctioned, leaving the crew without fresh water. The INS Tarkash team promptly repaired the system, restoring access to clean water. Additionally, a crew member injured due to rough weather received immediate medical aid from the ship’s medical team.
This timely assistance highlights the Indian Navy’s role in ensuring safety and security in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). By responding to emergencies and helping seafarers in distress, the Navy continues to uphold its commitment to humanitarian efforts and maritime stability. (PR)

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