In a major announcement, Rajya Sabha MP and Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee President, Shri Akhilesh Prasad Singh, revealed that the Congress party plans to organize the world’s largest Chhath festival on the lines of the Maha Kumbh. This grand event will be held along the banks of the Yamuna River, with the site designated as a district and named Sharda Sinha Ghat in honor of the renowned folk singer.
Speaking at a press conference held today at Rajeev Bhawan in New Delhi, Shri Singh emphasized the party’s commitment to honoring the cultural and religious significance of the Chhath festival, particularly for the people of Purvanchal. He criticized the ruling BJP and AAP for treating Purvanchal residents merely as a vote bank while neglecting their rights. He also pointed out the poor living conditions and lack of infrastructure in areas predominantly inhabited by Purvanchali migrants.
Shri Singh highlighted the challenges faced by the community during Chhath celebrations, such as the high levels of contamination in the Yamuna River and the restrictions imposed on the festival, which disregarded the deep faith of the Purvanchali community.
During the event, National Media Coordinator Shri Abhay Dubey and conference moderator Jyoti Kumar Singh were also present. Shri Akhilesh Prasad Singh made several key statements during the press conference:
- "People from Purvanchal (Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) are the builders of Delhi; their contribution to the city's growth has been immense. However, the ruling parties, BJP and AAP, have only viewed them as a vote bank."
- "Purvanchal is remembered only when there is a thirst for power. During the COVID-19 pandemic and Chhath festival, our people were abandoned and disrespected."
- "When we took holy dips in the Yamuna during Chhath, the river had the highest level of contamination globally. Now, restrictions have been placed to prevent further pollution."
- "There are 1,797 unauthorized colonies in Delhi, most housing Purvanchal residents. These colonies face deplorable conditions, including flooding during rains, water shortages in summer, and a lack of employment opportunities."
- "On October 29, 2021, a notification banned Chhath Puja. Though this was challenged, the Delhi High Court upheld the ban due to the poor water quality, which posed health risks."
- "On one hand, BJP President Nadda compared Purvanchali brothers and sisters to Rohingyas, Bangladeshis, and infiltrators. On the other hand, Kejriwal accuses them of casting fake votes. Are the people of Purvanchal considered fake?"
- "The fight these parties wage is for votes. Have they ever fought for Purvanchal's rights?"
- "Today, we pledge to celebrate Chhath Mahaparv on the lines of the Maha Kumbh. It will be the world’s largest Chhath festival. A large site along the Yamuna will be designated and declared a district."
- "This site will be named Sharda Sinha Ghat in honor of the legendary singer."
The announcement has sparked immense enthusiasm among the Purvanchali community, who see this as a long-awaited recognition of their cultural and religious heritage in the nation's capital. (PR)