The iconic Beating Retreat Ceremony, a grand conclusion to the Republic Day celebrations, was conducted at Vijay Chowk amidst much fanfare on 29 January 2025 evening. The event, attended by President Droupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Speaker of the Lok Sabha Om Birla, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, and other dignitaries, showcased India’s military traditions, musical performances, and technical precision.
A notable highlight of the ceremony was the seamless audio-visual coverage facilitated by the 1 Army Headquarters Signal Regiment. The regiment, renowned for its expertise, installed four giant screens and advanced speaker systems to ensure an enhanced viewing experience for the audience present at the venue. The unit’s flawless execution emphasizes its technical acumen and commitment to excellence.
Following its commendable role in the Republic Day Parade at Kartavya Path on January 26, the 1 Army HQ Signal Regiment once again proved its mettle by providing world-class support during this prestigious occasion. The regiment has consistently set benchmarks in delivering state-of-the-art communication and audio-visual systems, cementing its reputation as a trusted pillar in ceremonial events of national importance.