The Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) Polyclinic, Kohima, under the auspices of Station Headquarters Zakhama, hosted an engaging and informative interaction session with the ex-servicemen community from Kohima and surrounding areas. The event aimed to raise awareness about the comprehensive healthcare services provided under the ECHS initiative.
Lecture on e-SEHAT Application
Dr. M Seyie, Medical Officer at the Polyclinic, Kohima, delivered an informative lecture on the e-SEHAT application, educating the attendees on its features and benefits for ex-servicemen.
Introduction to SPARSH Application
The Officer-in-Charge of ECHS, Station Cell, Zakhama, provided a detailed introduction to the SPARSH application, highlighting how it can aid ex-servicemen in accessing healthcare services more efficiently.
Large Attendance and Future Commitments
The session witnessed a significant turnout from the ex-servicemen community. The event concluded with a commitment to continuously enhance and expand healthcare services for ex-servicemen and their families. Colonel Ranjit Singh (Retired), OIC of ECHS Polyclinic, Kohima, expressed his gratitude and assured that efforts would continue to make healthcare more accessible at every stage of life for the ex-servicemen and their families.