A group of around 25 people including male and female belonging to different Hindu Sangathan were detained by the police in the Madhu Vihar police station , Delhi , as the police was informed of their planned protest. The Police acted quick with the detention of the protestors but seems to have quite a good nap when it comes to acting upon the arrest of the criminal who not only raped a minor Muslim girl but also forced her to abort the conceived child. Is it because the accused is the son of a Maulvi ? Or because the mother of the accused is an active member of Aam Aadmi Party ?
Lets dive deep into the whole story .
A minor Muslim girl resident of Jagatpuri , delhi, was raped by the son of a Maulvi and the accused with the help of his mother also forced the girl to abort the child. The matter came into light when the victim family reported the case at Jagatpuri police station. It’s been more than a month when the FIR was lodged but no one is arrested and nothing seems to being done in the matter. The accused Zishan is a son of Maulvi Islam Raza and Salma Tyagi Raza. Zishan is also guilty of terrorizing the victim family by invading their home with Gun in hand. While he wanders openly in broad day light, the victim family hiding and has no help.
What is the current update ?
In order to seek justice for the minor Muslim girl, men and women from different Hindu Sangathan came together to protest against the lenient behavior of police in the matter and to demand quick arrest of the accused. However, before they could do so , they were detained and made to sit in the police station for 4-5 long hours. Later they were taken to additional DCP who heard their request and commanded the SHO to act actively in the matter. The protestor however said that if they still don’t take the case into their utmost consideration they will continue to raise their voice and next time at a bigger level.
What has the police done till now ?
The Jagatpuri SHO, Mr. CL Meena who says the case is their top priority has not even managed to arrest a single accused in the case when the FIR filed has 5 names in the list. In addition to this the basic step of putting the accused contact numbers on surveillance in order to get hold of him was also not taken. We say so because the very instruction to do so was given by the additional DCP in front the media and protestor when the matter was being addressed. What could be the possible reason behind this is not a thing to wonder as the political angle in the case answers it all. The accused mother Salma Tyagi is an active member of the AAM AADMI PARTY and has quite an hold in the area.
Its been more than a month and the victim with her family still have their eyes wide open in hope looking towards the police. However, what came to help were the Hindu Sangathan and they are still standing with the victim strong and tall.