The National Cadet Corps (NCC) has launched a new program called Project Yuva Bhagidari at Cotton University to help spread the message of cleanliness under the Swachh Bharat Mission. The launch event was attended by the Honourable Governor of Assam, Shri Lakshman Prasad Acharya, and other important guests, including Shrimati Nandita Ghorlosa, the Minister for Sports and Youth Welfare, and Major General Gagan Deep, Additional Director General of NCC North Eastern Region. About 500 NCC cadets also participated in the event, showing their enthusiasm to help improve the nation.
The Swachh Bharat Mission is a huge effort to encourage people across the country to keep their surroundings clean, making it the world’s largest campaign for behavioral change. The NCC’s Project Yuva Bhagidari will involve NCC cadets who will work to raise awareness about cleanliness in their communities and promote the mission’s goals.
The main aims of this project are to teach people about cleanliness, improve the communication skills of cadets, and involve them in community work. The idea is for the cadets to inspire others to keep their surroundings clean and lead efforts in their local areas.
The program is divided into three stages. In the first stage, 60 cadets from colleges and universities in Guwahati will receive special training for 30 days. These trained cadets, called Trailblazers, will then pass on their knowledge and skills to other cadets in the next two phases, which will last 60 days each.
During the launch, Governor Shri Lakshman Prasad Acharya praised the NCC for promoting national unity, discipline, and service. He encouraged the cadets to participate in the training and community activities with enthusiasm and creativity. “You all have the power to make a big change. Together, you can help transform lives and improve our society,” he said.
The Governor also thanked the NCC team, Cotton University, and other supporters for organizing the event. He recognized the important role played by the NCC units in Guwahati, including the 60 Assam Girls Bn NCC and 50 Assam Air Squadron NCC, in making this project possible.
Through Project Yuva Bhagidari, the NCC hopes to provide cadets with the skills they need to lead efforts in promoting cleanliness at the grassroots level. The goal is to inspire long-lasting change and help the youth of Assam contribute to the Swachh Bharat Mission. (PR)