The National Tribal Health Conclave 2025 was held at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, on January 20, 2025. Managed by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW), the event concentrated on attacking the healthcare challenges faced by India’s tribal communities. Tribal populations often work with health problems due to their isolated locations, poverty, and cultural traditions, which limit access to medical facilities and lead to problems like malnutrition and genetic diseases.
To address these challenges, the government has launched key initiatives. The National Sickle Cell Elimination Mission, introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aims to destroy sickle cell anemia by 2047. The Bhagwan Birsa Munda Chair on Tribal Health at AIIMS Delhi was also selected to study and develop solutions for tribal health issues. Additionally, 15 Centres of Competence (CoCs) have been set up in 14 states to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sickle cell anemia and other conditions.
The conclave brought together over 400 participants, including government officials, AIIMS directors, tribal health experts, NGOs, and UN agencies. Discussions focused on improving healthcare delivery in tribal areas through telemedicine, mobile medical units and training for healthcare workers. Participants also highlighted the importance of addressing malnutrition, promoting healthy traditional diets and integrating indigenous healing practices with modern healthcare systems. Specific health issues, such as sickle cell disease, addiction and mental health, were also given priority.
During the event, MoTA and AIIMS Delhi signed an agreement to work together in a tribal block in Odisha. This collaboration will involve studying health problems, conducting field research and training healthcare workers to address the specific needs of tribal communities.
The conclave aims to improve healthcare access, include traditional healers in formal systems, combat malnutrition and focus on diseases like sickle cell anemia and mental health. Strengthening healthcare facilities with community support and technology is also a priority.
By fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, the National Tribal Health Conclave 2025 represents a significant step toward improving the health and well-being of India’s tribal communities. This initiative seeks to deliver sustainable healthcare solutions while respecting and preserving the cultural heritage of tribal populations. (PR)