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Indian Coast Guard, Pakistan MSA Save 12 from Sinking Vessel

The crew stranded 270 km off Dwarka was rescued through swift India-Pakistan coordination.

Bhumi Ambawat
  • Dec 6 2024 7:08PM

In a joint effort, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (MSA) rescued 12 crew members from the Indian vessel MSV Al Piranpir, which sank in the North Arabian Sea on December 4, 2024. The rescue mission showcased excellent teamwork and coordination between the two countries.
The vessel, a mechanized sailing dhow, had left Porbandar, Gujarat, and was on its way to Bandar Abbas, Iran. Unfortunately, it sank in the early hours of December 4 due to rough weather and flooding. The Indian Coast Guard's Mumbai Rescue Centre received the distress signal and quickly alerted its regional headquarters in Gandhinagar.
ICGS Sarthak, a Coast Guard ship, was immediately sent to the area to search for the missing crew. At the same time, Pakistan’s rescue agency was informed and quickly offered help. A Pakistan MSA aircraft joined the search, along with a merchant ship, MV Cosco Glory, to find the stranded sailors.
The crew of MSV Al Piranpir had abandoned their sinking vessel and taken shelter in a small dinghy. After an extensive search, they were found about 270 kilometers west of Dwarka, Gujarat, in an area under Pakistan’s search responsibility. ICGS Sarthak rescued all 12 crew members and provided medical care onboard. Thankfully, they were in good health.
The rescued sailors are now being taken back to Porbandar Harbour, Gujarat. This successful mission highlights the Indian Coast Guard’s dedication to saving lives at sea and its strong cooperation with neighboring countries.
This operation reminds us of the importance of teamwork and quick action to ensure the safety of sailors in distress. The Indian Coast Guard continues to live up to its motto, "वयं रक्षामः" or "We Protect." (PR)

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