सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को आर्थिक सहयोग करे


Arjun Ram Meghwal Highlights NeVA 2.0: Advancing Paperless Governance

Transitioning to the National Government Cloud 2.0 ensures better security and performance.

Bhumi Ambawat
  • Nov 28 2024 4:17PM

NeVA 2.0, the upgraded version of the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA), has been introduced to make legislative processes across India fully digital and paperless. This move aims to modernize how legislatures work in all States and Union Territories, making governance smoother, faster, and more transparent.

The new version includes user-friendly features like support for multiple languages, automatic creation of members' bio-profiles, an option to send birthday wishes to members, and an improved member dashboard. These updates are designed to make the platform easier to use on both mobile and web applications.
NeVA 2.0 has also been shifted to the National Government Cloud (NGC) 2.0, which provides better speed, security, and reliability. This ensures that legislative services can be delivered without interruptions.
Through this platform, legislators can now access, manage, and submit documents and other legislative work digitally, removing the need for paperwork entirely. The app also makes legislative data instantly available, automates tasks, and helps in quick decision-making and smooth collaboration.
Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Law and Justice and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, shared this information in a written reply in the Lok Sabha. He emphasized that NeVA 2.0 will improve transparency, efficiency, and accountability in legislative work, helping the government serve people better.
With NeVA 2.0, India is moving closer to a more modern and efficient governance system that saves time, resources, and effort while ensuring smooth functioning. (PR)

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